Right to appeal
An applicant has the right to appeal a decision of the NQA contained in any Evaluation Report. Such an appeal may be made on any of the following grounds:
- The applicant was denied the right to be informed of evaluation processes and requirements;
- The evaluation outcomes appear to be inconsistent, e.g. when similar qualifications do not have similar evaluation outcomes; and
- The evaluation procedures are applied inconsistently, e.g. when a qualification holder can provide substantial evidence that published procedures/criteria were not followed.
Lodging an appeal
A qualification holder may lodge an appeal within two weeks after receiving a formal evaluation outcome. The appeal must be addressed to the Manager of the Qualifications Section of the NQA.
Any appeal must be made in writing and must contain documentation substantiating the grounds for the appeal.
Upon receipt of the appeal letter the Manager shall scrutinize and review all the available sources of information and determine that it fits “grounds for appeal”. If grounds are met, a re-evaluation shall be done by an independent evaluator, after which the initial recommendations will either be adjusted or sustained.
If the applicant is still not satisfied with the appeal outcome, he/she may lodge another appeal with the Council of Namibia Qualifications Authority.