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  • Quality Assured Qualifications

Application Process

Lodging an application

Evaluation means the determination by the NQA of the significance of a qualification obtained that has not been registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) of Namibia. These qualifications may have been obtained prior to the development of the NQF or from other nations. Evaluation regulations gazzetted in 2007 guide the process of Evaluation.When evaluating qualifications the NQA seeks to confirm the legality, validity and credibility of the qualification document submitted and the qualification to which the document refers. The NQA then analyses available information to express each qualification in terms of the nomenclature and structural features of the National Qualifications Framework of Namibia. This is to assist the recognition of qualifications by other bodies for the purpose of academic, career and/or professional placement of the qualification holder.

Certified copies

A certified copy is a copy which is verified by the issuing authority or a commissioner of oaths, such as a solicitor or police officer, as a true copy of the original.A signature is required on each page, with the name and title of the official printed legibly below the signature. The telephone number of the official should also be given.Please note that copies should be certified inside Namibia or at a Namibian Embassy.

What is not required

  • Original documents unless specifically requested by the NQA;
  • Faxes or copies of faxes;
  • Copies of certified copies; and
  • Forged, altered or falsified documents.

Forged documents

If forged, altered or falsified documents are submitted, an evaluation will not be issued.The NQA then reserves the right to share the information with institutions and government agencies as appropriate.

Evaluation results

An Evaluation Report will only be issued to the applicant. A certified copy of the Evaluation Report may be issued to another party if specifically requested and paid for by the applicant.

Evaluation results will be made available according to the applicant’s instruction, by mail or personal collection. Evaluation reports will under no circumstances be faxed or e-mailed.

What to Submit

As well as the Application Form, certified copies of the following documents must be submitted:
  • Each degree, diploma or certificate;
  • Complete, official academic record of each award issued by the certifying body;
  • Completion of apprenticeships, where relevant;
  • Translation of all non-English language documents prepared by a sworn translator;
  • Proof of change of name, where applicable; and
  • Identity document or passport with photograph.
If available, certified copies of the following documents should also be made available:
  • Statements of course hours and credits; and
  • A syllabus or course prescription for each qualification, trade or technical course studied.
  • First 15 pages of Research Project, Thesis, Dissertation for the postgraduate qualifications i.e. Bachelor Honours Degree, Master Degree and Doctorate Degree.

Country specific requirements

This list is subject to change according to need.

  • Angola School certificates must be endorsed by the Angolan Ministry of Education or the Namibian Embassy in Angola
  • Nigeria Copies of qualification documents (certificates and academic records) as issued by education institutions, must be certified by the Namibian Embassy in Nigeria or original documents should be submitted.
  • India Copies of qualification documents (certificates and academic records) as issued by education institutions, must be certified by the Namibian Embassy in India or original documents should be submitted.

Timelines for applications

  • Normal applications are generally processed Normally within 30 working days.
  • Urgent applications may be processed within15 working days.
  • Working days are days on which the NQA is open for business and exclude Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and the annual recess in December/January.

Due to various factors beyond the control of the NQA, it is possible that the timelines may be exceeded for some applicants. Clients should therefore take cognizance of the possibility of delays before lodging an application. In the event of an extra-ordinary circumstance causing considerable delay, clients will be informed. The NQA, however, will do everything within its power to make results available within the relevant timeline, or as promptly afterwards as possible.