Reach Out to Us marketing@namqa.org
Call Us +264 61 384 100
Our Offices Corner Of Simeon Shixungileni and Dr.W Kulz street, Windhoek
Are you looking for specific contact?
General queries about the NQA: | Tel. +264 61 384 100 Email: marketing@namqa.org |
Accreditation of training providers: | accreditation@namqa.org |
Verification of accreditation status: | advice@namqa.org |
Evaluation of qualifications: | evaluation@namqa.org |
National Qualifications Framework (NQF): | nqf@namqa.org |
Depending on the nature of your enquiry, you may be asked to complete an Enquiry Form. This will allow the NQA staff to make any enquiries necessary to ensure you get the best response possible.
Specific Enquiries
If you have a specific enquiry regarding a qualification, an institution or any course and were unable to locate information on this web site, please put your request for information in writing and address it to: Namibia Qualifications Authority Private Bag 13247 Windhoek Namibia Or Fax to: 264 61 384114. The NQA will not give information about any qualification, provider or course unless the request has been put in writing.Student Complaints
The NQA believes that all complaints are best dealt with, initially at least, between the parties concerned. All NQA accredited institutions will have student complaint and appeals procedures. Should the matter not be resolved satisfactorily, an official compliant may be lodged with the NQA. The complaint must be made in writing and should specify:- The name of the institution and the course (if relevant)
- What the problem is
- What has already been done to seek redress, and the outcome(s) of this.