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  • Quality Assured Qualifications


Evaluation means the determination by the NQA of the significance of a qualification obtained that has not been registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) of Namibia. These qualifications may have been obtained prior to the development of the NQF or from other nations. Evaluation regulations gazzetted in 2007 guide the process of Evaluation.When evaluating qualifications the NQA seeks to confirm the legality, validity and credibility of the qualification document submitted and the qualification to which the document refers. The NQA then analyses available information to express each qualification in terms of the nomenclature and structural features of the National Qualifications Framework of Namibia. This is to assist the recognition of qualifications by other bodies for the purpose of academic, career and/or professional placement of the qualification holder.

Relationship between Qualification Evaluation and the NQF

Qualification Evaluation differs from Qualification Registration. In the latter case, qualifications submitted by institutions, organisations, industry or professional bodies are quality assured against registration criteria to confirm a placement on the National Qualifications Framework so as to be available for award by appropriately accredited bodies.

Qualification Evaluation involves the consideration of qualifications already awarded. The holder of the qualification seeks a formal expression of the comparative relationship of their qualification with qualifications able to be registered on the National Qualifications Framework. Evaluation Criteria are applied to determine each comparative relationship.

Evaluated qualifications are not placed on the NQF but will be aligned with the NQF.