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  • Quality Assured Qualifications


The notion of a National Qualifications Framework was formalised through Cabinet decisions in 1994 that led to the creation of the Namibia Qualifications Authority.

The National Qualifications Framework is intended to be a register of all relevant and legal qualifications in Namibia. The NQF represents a set of agreements, rules and requirements that will:

  • Promote the consistent use of qualification titles
  • Provide people with a clearer understanding of what a person holding a particular qualification has achieved
  • Assist people determine the similarities and differences between qualifications in Namibia
  • Improve the harmonisation of the different education and training sectors, and their alignment with the worlds of work
  • Give people greater assurance of the quality of education, training and assessment in Namibia
  • Enhance the reputation of Namibia’s education and training systems in the regional, continental and international communities.